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Probability vs Opportunity Video Summary

Video 010. Probability vs Opportunity – Contrasting English Words

  • Four equal expressions: to flip a coin, to do a coin-flip, to toss a coin, to do a coin-toss
  • to get heads, to get tails; it's heads, it's tails
  • American and Canadian coins: the penny, the nickel, the dime, the quarter

  • a syllable, syllables
  • The word "chance" has one syllable: chance
  • The word "basket" has two syllables: bas ket
  • The word "Italy" has three syllables: i ta ly
  • The symbol ˈ is used for primary stress
  • The symbol ˌ is used for secondary stress
  • The pronunciation of "probability" – ˌpɹɑ bə ˈbɪ lɪ ɾi
  • The pronunciation of "opportunity" – ˌɑ pɚˈ tu nə ɾi
  • a stress pattern = an accent pattern
  • The stress pattern of "probability" is ● • ● • •
  • The stress pattern of "opportunity" is ● • ● • •

  • Note: In English today, most people use "dice" for the singular and plural – one dice, two dice
  • one cube die, one cube dice, two cube dice, three cube dice
  • polyhedral dice - dice with many sides (all dice are polyhedral)
  • A tetradhedron die has four sides.
  • A cube die has six sides.
  • An octohedron die has eight sides.
  • A pentagonal trapezohedron die has ten sides.
  • A dodecahedron die has twelve sides.
  • An icosahedron die has twenty sides.

  • a roulette wheel, to play roulette
  • a lottery ticket, to buy a lottery ticket, to play the lottery
  • California is an American state. Oregon is an American state.
  • (American) football
  • The New England Patriot is a football team in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is an American state.
  • The New York Jets is a football team in New Jersey. New Jersey is an American state near New York.
  • The Chicago Lions is a football team in Chicago.
  • The Detroit Bears is a football team in Detriot.

  • The odds are ...
  • The probability is ...
  • In a coin toss, the odds of getting heads are one in two.
  • In a coin toss, the probability of getting heads is 50%.
  • In a coin toss, the odds of getting tails are one in two.
  • In a coin toss, the probability of getting tails is 50%.
  • When rolling a six-sided die, the odds of getting a two are one in six.
  • When rolling a six-sided die, the probability of getting a two is 17%.
  • When rolling two six-sided dice, the odds of getting double sixes are one in thirty-six.
  • When rolling two six-sided dice, the probability of getting double sixes is about 2.8%.
  • When a roulette wheel is spun, the odds of getting a seventeen are one in thirty-eight. (French roulette is different.)
  • When a roulette wheel is spun, the probability of getting a seventeen is about 2.6%.

  • This is a job ad. The word "ad" is short for "advertisement."
  • A barista works in a coffee shop making espresso. A bartender works in a bar making alcoholic drinks.
  • This an opportunity to get a job. It's an opportunity to get a job as a barista.
  • This an opportunity to get a job and move to China.
  • This an opportunity to get a job as a travel agent in London.
  • This an opportunity to become rich.

  • A penny is worth one cent.
  • A nickel is worth five cents.
  • A dime is worth ten cents. (The dime is smaller than the penny and the nickel.)
  • A quarter is worth twenty-five cents.
  • The US and Canada make fifty-cent coins called "fifty-cent pieces," but they are not commonly used.
  • In Canada, the loonie is a dollar coin and the toonie is a two-dollar coin.
  • The US has dollar coins, but they are not commonly used.

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