fist on hand; graphic that says 'It-At-On On'

In, At, On Video Summary

Video 2. Learn English Prepositions: The X has a Y on it

  • The book has a pen on it
  • The books have pens on them

  • cat, kitten, horse, Labrador

  • This is a coffee mug. The coffee mug is on the table. It's on the table.
  • These are towels. They're bath towels.
  • This is a coffee mug. It says, "create." The coffee mug's on the towel.
  • This kitten's named Lucy. Lucy's on the bed. What a cute kitty!
  • The jockey's on the horse.
  • This is a towel with eggs on it. There are eggs on the towel.

  • a TV cabinet
  • water, a waterfall, a water glass, water glasses
  • a balcony, balconies
  • a bed
  • a shelf, shelves, a bookshelf, bookshelves
  • one shelf, two shelves, three shelves
  • a camel, camels
  • a motorcycle, motorcycles

  • The towel has eggs on it.
  • The towel has a coffee mug on it.
  • The cabinet has a cat on it.
  • One of the horses has a rider on it.
  • The horse has a jockey on it.
  • The balcony has a person on it.
  • The balconies have no people on them.
  • The shelves have towels on them.
  • The tables have coffee mugs on them.
  • The horses have men on them.
  • The horse has a rider on it.
  • The camel has no rider on it.
  • The camel has two riders on it.
  • The motorcycle has no rider on it.
  • The motorcycle has a rider on it.
  • The motorcycle has riders on it.
  • The motorcycles have riders on them.

  • The elephant has a rider on it.
  • The roller coaster has riders on it.
  • The boat has a captain on it.
  • The boat has fishermen on it.

Watch Video 2 in the EwE in-at-on series on YouTube.